International Practitioner Education Program

St. Joseph FertilityCare ™ Center Practitioner Education Program is directed by Angélique García, BSE, CFCE, and is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.  This center has trained practitioners in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare  System for more that 30 years, in the USA, Mexico, throughout Europe & in Hong Kong.
This 13-month course includes two education phases conducted in Albuquerque, NM, two supervised practica & an On-Site Visit completed at the student’s home location. Supervision is provided through an innovative system of long distance monitoring & an On-Site Visitation by the Intern’s supervisor, near the end of the second practicum.  The program includes education in both the basic as well as the advanced aspects of teaching the FertilityCare  System.  The student must teach at least 18 clients over the course of the 13-month program.
All students are required to take a criterion referenced, professionally administered final certificate examination, following successful completion of the two education phases, an on-site visit & two supervised practica.

For more information, please contact the Director, Angelique N. Garcia, BSE, CFCE, at

Ars, France 2018
Gaming, Austria 2021
Hong, Kong, PRC, 2018