Albuquerque & Rio Rancho, NM

Welcome to St. Joseph FertilityCare™ Center!

Teaching the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare ™ System to women & couples for family planning, infertility, and gynecologic health maintenance, featuring NaProTECHNOLOGY®

What is NFP?

The NaProTechnology® Revolution

Women / Couples

Get started learning and using the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System by attending an Introductory Session
The Introductory Session is a 90-minute presentation that introduces the couple to the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, in a group setting. Introductory Sessions are held regularly, at St. Joseph FertilityCare ™ Center, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month, except the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Group intro sessions are $30 per couple, and registration is required.
Private sessions are available on other days and times, by appointment only, for a fee of $60. Register by calling (505) 263-3509
Materials are $45. Follow-up appointments are $60.

Practitioner Education Programs

St. Joseph FertilityCare™ Center Practitioner Education Program is directed by Angélique García, BSE, CFCE, and is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.  This center has trained practitioners in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System for more that 30 years, in the USA, Mexico, throughout Europe & in Hong Kong.
This 13-month course includes two education phases conducted in Albuquerque, NM, two supervised practice & an On-Site Visit completed at the student’s home location. Supervision is provided through an innovative system of long distance monitoring & an On-Site Visitation by the Intern’s supervisor, near the end of the second practicum. The program includes education in both the basic as well as the advanced aspects of teaching the FertilityCare System.  The student must teach at least 18 clients over the course of the 13-month program.
All students are required to take a criterion referenced, professionally administered final certificate examination, following successful completion of the two education phases, an on-site visit & two supervised practice.

What We Can Help With


The condition of "infertility" is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom of an underlying disease process. The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System & NaProTechnology® work together to identify the cause of the infertility and to treat the problems. Learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is the first step in identifying the abnormalities in a woman's cycle, and then NaProTechnology® is used by our physicians to evaluate and correct those abnormalities. The aim is to....

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) & Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Most women have some premenstrual symptoms but 1, 2 or 3 days of mild symptoms can be normal, as your progesterone levels drop at the end of your cycle, before your period (menses) starts. Only if you have 4 or more days of 1 or more symptoms, do you officially have the medical condition of....

Long, Irregular Cycles

The most common reason for long, irregular cycles is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – PCOS. This is a complex syndrome and it often is associated with infertility. In PCOS, ovulation occurs irregularly and if it does occur, it is often abnormal, thus decreasing fertility. This condition also increases a woman's risk of....

Recurrent Miscarriage

One miscarriage is too many, and typically the underlying cause of miscarriage is ignored until three babies are lost. Even then, the evaluation is minimal and the treatment is often insufficient. The Creighton Model....

Painful Periods

Mild to moderate menstrual "cramps" are the only "normal" pain you should experience during your cycles. Experiencing pain during your menstrual flow or mid-cycle is not normal and is usually symptomatic of something an underlying problem. Typically pains are only "treated" with chemical contraceptives, but....

Avoiding Pregnancy Naturally

A woman’s menstrual cycle is an amazing event. Each menstrual cycle has naturally occurring times of fertility and infertility, which can be easily identified when charting your cycle with....